Wednesday, June 10, 2015

~An Introduction to Thief II Fan Missions

            I’ve already introduced Thief FMs, but here I want to give a very brief introduction to Thief II FMs. The reason is because Thief II FMs constitute around—and I’m ballparking it—95% to 99% of Thief FMs. In addition to Thief I, there’s also Thief III FMs and “Dark Mod” FMs (the “Dark Mod” is a standalone mod, built on the Doom 3 engine, with tools and assets that facilitate the creation of Thief-style missions). But though these other three options exists, Thief II FMs reign supreme.

            And it’s not just the missions. With enhancement packs and the latest “New Dark” patches, the Thief II game engine has been taken to heights that no 2000-era game engine should have been taken to, perhaps. It certainly has been taken beyond the expectations of the original designers (I don’t have their word for it, but I think it’s safe to assume so). Thief II FMs are a chronicle of fan-made, mod-making greatness. They’re like a gigantic tree grown from the seed Looking Glass planted years ago. (Hey—I could singe praises for Thief II FMs all day!)

            But enough of the romanticizing. In short, they’re great game experiences; my favorite ones, period. Choosing only six to cover in this blog was very difficult. I begin, here, with three of the best early ones, which get introduced in the video below.


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